I wanted to take average of two columns and display in a new column something like this:
|A|B |C |D |AVG(B/C)|AVG(C/B)|
|S|23|34|56| | |
|T|45|6 |79| | |
So, as shown above, I needed to take the each row values and perform B/C and then take the average accordingly to display it in a new column.
I wanted to do this in SQL query. Is it possible to perform this in a SQL command? I know the AVG()
function does take the average of a column but how can I do B/C
and then take the average? also if I need to take the average of B and C as well how can i do that.
This is what I am doing right now:
Select A,B,C,D FROM tableTest where A='S';
I now have to take the average of corresponding and also have another two columns additionally in the query to show the respective results.
You should give it a try:
SELECT A, AVG((B+C)/2) as bc, AVG((C+B)/2) as cb
FROM tableTest