I installed python-daemon
and now I'm trying to get the signal handling right. My code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import signal, time, syslog
import daemon
def runDaemon():
context = daemon.DaemonContext()
context.signal_map = { signal.SIGTERM: programCleanup }
with context:
def doMainProgram():
while True:
syslog.syslog("pythonDaemon is running")
def programCleanup():
syslog.syslog("pythonDaemon STOP")
if __name__ == "__main__":
When I start the code everything works as expected: The text pythonDaemon is running gets written to /var/log/syslog
every 5 seconds.
But when I want to terminate the daemon with kill -TERM *PID*
the daemon is terminated but the text pythonDaemon STOP is missing from syslog.
What am I doing wrong?
NB: I am not working with from daemon import runner
here, cause that gives me an error (looks like I need an older version of lockfile
) and I will not fix this unless it is the only possibilty to get the signal-handling right.
Your code looks fine, except the signal handler is not called because it has the wrong signature. Make it like this:
def programCleanup(signum, frame):
Quoting the docs (signal.signal()):
The handler is called with two arguments: the signal number and the current stack frame