I want to build a table in a window; then in every cell i want to put a Gtk.DrawingArea
and then drawing a rectangle for everyone.
But I can't understand how to create the cairo context, because i get this error:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'cairo_create'
Here below i show you my code (it is still a prototype, but i want to learn how to bind a cairo context to the right object):
import pygtk
import gtk
class collega_GUI:
def __init__(self):
self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
self.window.set_title("Drawing Area Example")
self.window.connect("destroy", lambda w: gtk.main_quit())
self.table = gtk.Table(self.rows,self.columns,True)
self.DrawingArea_list = list()
for i in range(self.rows*self.columns):
for row in range(0,self.rows):
for column in range(0,self.columns):
cr = self.DrawingArea_list[row*2+column].window.cairo_create()
cr.set_source_rgb(0.7, 0.2, 0.0)
cr.rectangle(0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5)
cr.set_source_rgb(0.5, 0.2, 0.3)
self.table.attach(self.DrawingArea_list[row*2+column], row, row+1, column, column+1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
prova = collega_GUI()
As the error message says the GdkWindow
does not exist at that point, so you can't draw yet.
All the drawing should happen in the appropriate signal handler of the DrawingAreas
: In GTK 2 the signal is "expose-event"
and in the signal handler you should create the Cairo context and draw every time the handler is called. This answer has an example using a DrawingArea
subclass (which is a sensible idea)
Just a warning, in GTK3 this part is a bit different.