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collective.listingviews:how to use custom fields to display dexterity based image field and richtext field

I'd like to use the collective.listingviews controlpanel to display an image and richtext field. I have the image field working but would like to know if there is a simpler way to retrieve the image. When I try to retrieve the richtext field I end up with a permissions error.

The details:

I have a custom dexterity content type (examplecontent) and a collection which retrieves these examplecontent types.

To display the content types I've created a custom 'listingview' for the collection, the goal is that for each retrieved item the following should be displayed:

  • A RichText Field named 'body'
  • An Image Field named 'screenshot'

This is a mockup of how the layout might behave: mockup of layout

To retrieve the image field I'm using the custom tal expression:

python:"<img src='%s/view/++widget++form.widgets.screenshot/@@download' />" % item.getObject().absolute_url()

To retrieve the body field I'm using the custom tal expression:


The image field is working but the richtext field gives the following:

RichTextValue object. (Did you mean .raw or .output?)

When I change the tal expression for the richtext field to the following:


I then get the following permissions error:

Insufficient Privileges You do not have sufficient privileges to view this page. If you believe you are receiving this message in error, contact the site administration.


  • First off, you should change

    python:"<img src='%s/view/++widget++form.widgets.screenshot/@@download' />" % item.getObject().absolute_url()


    python:"<img src='%s/view/++widget++form.widgets.screenshot/@@download' />" % item.getURL()

    Since this way means you don't have to get the full object. Note the use of the getURL() method.

    For the second expression, try something like this:



    python: item.getObject().restrictedTraverse('@@text-transform/body')
