I want to copy some tabular data from Excel into a python array. That is, user willselect a range in an Excel table, press "Copy" (CTRL+C) so that the range will be copied to clipboard. Then I will get this clipboard data into a python array (list). I use win32clipboard
from pywin32
to get clipboard data into an array:
import win32clipboard
def getClip():
data = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData()
return data
I copy the following range A1:B5
from Excel:
When I use the function above, I get a string like:
How to split this string into a list, so that the list will look like:
[(365,179), (96, -90), (48, -138), (12, -174), (30, -156)]
I use split
method, but it doesn't give me what I want.
['365\t179\r', '96\t-90\r', '48\t-138\r', '12\t-174\r', '30\t-156\r', '']
>>> s = '365\t179\r\n96\t-90\r\n48\t-138\r\n12\t-174\r\n30\t-156\r\n'
>>> [map(int, x.split('\t')) for x in s.rstrip().split('\r\n')]
[[365, 179], [96, -90], [48, -138], [12, -174], [30, -156]]
Using the code from my other answer, you can also handle other types as well:
from ast import literal_eval
def solve(x):
return literal_eval(x)
except (ValueError, SyntaxError):
return x
s = '365\tFoo\r\nBar\t-90.01\r\n48\tspam\r\n12e10\t-174\r\n30\t-156\r\n'
print [map(solve, x.split('\t')) for x in s.rstrip().split('\r\n')]
#[[365, 'Foo'], ['Bar', -90.01], [48, 'spam'], [120000000000.0, -174], [30, -156]]