my problem today in C#. I make xor crypt for my text lines, and want make for it generator, but my TextBox with source text return diffential string and result is not true.
Xor function:
private string GetText(byte[] Text)
byte[] Key = { 0x12, 0x05, 0x52 };
// ----
for (int i = 0; i < Text.Length; i++)
Text[i] ^= Key[i % 3];
// ----
return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Text);
True result:
string Text = ".\\MyExample.txt";
textBox2.Text = GetText(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Text)); //Result: <Yk@*sh"~`|f}&
False result:
string Text = textBox1.Text; //Text: ".\\MyExample.txt"
textBox2.Text = GetText(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Text)); //Result: <Y_|jd?bi7<q*f
Why i get different results and how it fix?
Your code contains an escaped backslash. C# is converting \\
to a single \
string Text = ".\\MyExample.txt"; // Text == ".\MyExample.txt"
If you want Text to contain \\
, use one of the following methods:
string Text = @".\\MyExample.txt";
string Text = ".\\\\MyExample.txt";