I have an ImageButton with TranslateX Animation Right to Left like Merquee, So it animated right to left. Now when i click on that nothing happened. Actually click is not perform and click only perform on real position of imagebutton.
what to do any suggestion? greatly appriciate... Thanks
Use ObjectAnimator(For later version then Honeycomb) for Animatinfg Your Objects, You can use follwing code for references:
RelativeLayout layout = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(R.id.relativeLayout1);
Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
int width = display.getWidth();
ObjectAnimator mover = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(layout, "translationX",
width, -width);
If you Are Using Api lower Then the HoneyComb(Like Gingerbread) then Use this Library: http://nineoldandroids.com/
It will Working As its Working in my devices.