I'm struggling to work out what this issue is, I have an excel spreadsheet that has to be imported into my SQL Server Database. I iterate through it as follows:
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range xlRange = xlWorksheet.Range["A1", "D6867"];
int num = 4;
// String test = "";
foreach (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range row in xlRange.Rows)
if ((int)xlWorksheet.Cells[num, 1].Font.Size == 14)
ProductCategory category = new ProductCategory();
category.Category = xlWorksheet.Cells[num, 1].Value.ToString();
} db.SaveChanges();
xlWorkbook.Close(true, Missing.Value, Missing.Value);
The error I'm getting is
Cannot convert System.DBNull to int
at this line:
if ((int)xlWorksheet.Cells[num, 1].Font.Size == 14)
I have no idea what this error means, and there are no null values in the cells I am accessing. Please advise?
In at least one of your cells the font size is System.DBNull.
You have to check the type of Size before casting it:
if(Convert.IsDBNull(xlWorksheet.Cells[num, 1].Font.Size))
else if((int)xlWorksheet.Cells[num, 1].Font.Size == 14)
// do Something....