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Questions every good Perl developer should be able to answer

Inspired by the original thread and the up and coming clones, here's one for the Perl community.

What are questions a good Perl programmer should be able to respond to?


  • Questions

    • What is a reference?
    • How does Perl implement object orientation?
    • How does Perl's object orientation differ from other languages like C# and Java?
    • Traditional object orientation in core Perl has largely been superseded by what?
      • Why?
    • What is the difference between a package and a module?
    • What features were implemented in 5.10?
    • What is a Schwartzian transform?
    • Explain the difference between these lines of code and the values of the variables.

      my $a = (4, 5, 6);
      my @a = (4, 5, 6);
      my $b = 4, 5, 6;
      my $c = @a;
    • What are some of Perl's greatest strengths?

    • What are some of Perl's greatest weaknesses?
    • Name several hallmarks of the "modern Perl" movement.
    • What does the binding operator do?
    • What does the flip-flop operator do?
    • What is the difference between for and foreach?
    • What makes Perl difficult to parse?
    • What are prototypes?
    • What is AUTOLOAD?
    • What is the Perl motto?
      • Why is this a problem?
    • What does use strict; do? Why is it useful?
    • What does the following block of code do?

      print (3 + 4) * 2;


    • Implement grep using map.
    • Implement and use a dispatch table.
    • Given a block of text, replace a word in that block with the return value of a function that takes that word as an argument.
    • Implement a module, including documentation compatible with perldoc.
    • Slurp a file.
    • Draw a table that illustrates Perl's concept of truthiness.