I’m creating a Rails app that fetches photos from 500px’s API based on a search term and saves results to the db. I have two models: Photo and Search. I need to fetch the ID of the created search_term and save that to each photo, so I have an association between them.
Here is the Photo model.
class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
self.per_page = 12
validates :uniqueid, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true
validates :name, :presence => true
validates :times_viewed, :presence => true
validates :rating, :presence => true
validates :votes_count, :presence => true
validates :favorites_count, :presence => true
validates :image_url, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true
has_one :search
Here is the Search model.
class Search < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :search_term, :presence => true
has_many :photos
I need to keep track of the number of times I’ve searched for a certain term, so I can ensure I’m not getting the same page of results back each time.
The controller for fetching the photos looks like this:
def index
@search = params[:search]
if @search
# I need to fetch the id of this search term
Search.create search_term: @search
@json_response = JSON.parse(get_access_token.get("/v1/photos/search?term=#{CGI.escape @search}&rpp=100&image_size=4&sort=times_viewed").body)
save_photos @json_response
Essentially, what I need to do is fetch the id of the created search term, and save that to each photo within this save_photos method.
def save_photos json_response
json_response['photos'].each do |photo|
Photo.create uniqueid: photo['id'],
name: photo['name'],
description: photo['description'],
times_viewed: photo['times_viewed'],
rating: photo['rating'],
votes_count: photo['votes_count'],
favorites_count: photo['favorites_count'],
image_url: photo['image_url'],
photo_taken: photo['created_at'],
category: photo['category'],
privacy: photo['privacy'],
comments_count: photo['comments_count'],
nsfw: photo['nsfw'],
# I’d like to save the id of the search term here
Search.create search_id: @search
Apologies if this is a duplicate question or is strikingly simple — I’ve come to a dead end with knowing what to search for with this problem.
Why don't you pass the id of the created search_term to save_photos method.
def index
@search = params[:search]
if @search
# I need to fetch the id of this search term
search = Search.create search_term: @search
@json_response = JSON.parse(get_access_token.get("/v1/photos/search?term=#{CGI.escape @search}&rpp=100&image_size=4&sort=times_viewed").body)
save_photos(@json_response, search.id)
def save_photos(json_response, search_id)
json_response['photos'].each do |photo|
Photo.create uniqueid: photo['id'],
name: photo['name'],
description: photo['description'],
times_viewed: photo['times_viewed'],
rating: photo['rating'],
votes_count: photo['votes_count'],
favorites_count: photo['favorites_count'],
image_url: photo['image_url'],
photo_taken: photo['created_at'],
category: photo['category'],
privacy: photo['privacy'],
comments_count: photo['comments_count'],
nsfw: photo['nsfw'],
# I’d like to save the id of the search term here
search_term_id: search_id