Does Railo have
svc = new storedProc();
It looks like there was some discussion about it in Google groups.
I'm trying this:
response = storedproc(procedure="app.GetErrorCodes",result="response",returncode="yes");
And am getting "No matching function [STOREDPROC] found"
Edit 2:
This works:
<cfstoredproc procedure="app.GetErrorCodes" debug="yes" result="response" returncode="yes" >
Except I don't see a query in the result.
Edit 3:
This works:
storedproc procedure="app.GetErrorCodes" result="response" returncode="yes";
except I don't see a query inside the result.
Oh wait! I think I found it!!msg/railo/UUP0WRuLLX4/zpbKkvekDiAJ
At last! Whew! That only took ALL DAY.
The Railo docs site shows this is supported
[username="string"] {