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Add dropdown arrow indicators to menu items that have submenus only?

I am currently trying to add arrow indicators on my navigation menu for items which have submenu options.

Currently I am using this CSS:

.mainNav li > a:after {
   color: #444;
   content: ' ▾';

But this adds a dropdown arrow to every <li> regardless of if there is a submenu or not. Is there a way with just CSS to only add this arrow to items that have sub-items?



  • No. CSS has no contains child selector. You'd probably be better to just add a class to the li element. For example:

    <li class="has-child">
        <a href="#">The Link</a>
        <ul class="child">
            <li>Child 1</li>

    Your CSS selector would in turn look like:

    .mainNav li.has-child > a:after {
       color: #444;
       content: ' ▾';

    You could have jQuery add the class for you, if that's an option:

    $('.mainNav li:has(ul)').addClass('has-child');

    jsFiddle Demo