Does anybody know any way to remove any application's dock icon on new OSX Mavericks
using a script or using Cocoa?
I have an uninstaller which has to remove dock icon of some applications after uninstalling them. But the existing logic fails in 10.9.
I have been doing this so far (until 10.8) by removing the icon entry from the
and then killing the dock. However, it doesn't work on Mavericks.
I was able to remove the icon using NSUserDefaults
however, but it also fails when my app (uninstaller) runs with elevated privileges.
Any other idea/command/solution would be helpful.
I modified the code from the above blog post, and it works. The problem was that in Mavericks, -persistentDomainForName:
returns an immutable dictionary, so I had to make it mutable to get it to work. I’m posting it here, because blog posts have a way of becoming dead links.
- (void)removeDockItemNamed:(NSString *)dockIconLabel
NSUserDefaults *userDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSMutableDictionary* dockDict = [[userDefaults persistentDomainForName:@""] mutableCopy];
NSMutableArray* apps = [[dockDict valueForKey:@"persistent-apps"] mutableCopy];
if (apps != nil)
NSArray* appsCopy = [apps copy];
bool modified = NO;
for(NSDictionary *anApp in appsCopy)
NSDictionary* fileDict = [anApp valueForKey:@"tile-data"];
if(fileDict != nil)
NSString *appName = [fileDict valueForKey:@"file-label"];
if([dockIconLabel isEqualToString:appName])
[apps removeObject:anApp];
modified = YES;
//If the dictionary was modified, save the new settings.
dockDict[@"persistent-apps"] = apps;
[userDefaults setPersistentDomain:dockDict forName:@""];
//Reset the standardUserDefaults so that the modified data gets synchronized
//and next time when this function is invoked, we get the up-to-date dock icon details.
[NSUserDefaults resetStandardUserDefaults];