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RequireJS: Conditionally Load Polyfill Using Modernizr

How do you wrap a polyfill script as an AMD module and conditionally load it using Modernizr and RequireJS?

(Figured it out while I was drafting my question - posting answer for anyone else trying to do the same thing.)


  • The polyfill I needed to load was jquery-placeholder for browsers that don't support input placeholders. It does not provide AMD support out of the box.

    First I wrapped it as an AMD module like this:

    define(['jquery'], function ($) {
      (function(window, document, $) {
        ... polyfill ...
      }(this, document, jQuery));

    Then in main.js I used Modernizr to conditionally require() the polyfill script:

    require(['jquery', 'modernizr'], function ($, Modernizr) {
      if (!Modernizr.input.placeholder) {
        require(['jquery', 'placeholder'], function ($) {