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Mapping Enum from String

I have a string column in a database table which maps to an Enum in code. In my dbml file when I set the "Type" to MyTypes.EnumType I get the following error:

Error 1 DBML1005: Mapping between DbType 'VarChar(50) NOT NULL' and Type 'MyTypes.EnumType' in Column 'EnumCol' of Type 'Table1' is not supported.

This question: LINQ to SQL strings to enums indicates that what I am trying to do is possible, but how is it done?


  • Curious - it should work IIRC; I'll see if I can do a quick example - however, you might want to check that you have the fully-qualified enum name (i.e. including the namespace).

    [update] From here it seems that the RTM version shipped with a bug when resolving the enum. One workaround suggested (on that page) was to add the global:: prefix. It works fine for me without this workaround, so maybe it is fixed in 3.5 SP1? It also allegedly works fine in 3.5 if you use the unqualified name if the enum is in the same namespace.

    [example] Yup, worked fine: with Northwind, I defined an enum for the shipping country:

    namespace Foo.Bar
        public enum MyEnum

    I then edited the dbml to have:

    <Column Name="ShipCountry" Type="Foo.Bar.MyEnum" DbType="NVarChar(15)" CanBeNull="true" />

    This generated:

    private Foo.Bar.MyEnum _ShipCountry;
    [Column(Storage="_ShipCountry", DbType="NVarChar(15)", CanBeNull=true)]
    public Foo.Bar.MyEnum ShipCountry
    { get {...} set {...} }

    And finally wrote a query:

    using (DataClasses1DataContext ctx = new DataClasses1DataContext())
        var qry = from order in ctx.Orders
                  where order.ShipCountry == Foo.Bar.MyEnum.Brazil
                    || order.ShipCountry == Foo.Bar.MyEnum.Belgium
                  select order;
        foreach (var order in qry.Take(10))
            Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", order.OrderID, order.ShipCountry);

    Worked fine; results:

    10250, Brazil
    10252, Belgium
    10253, Brazil
    10256, Brazil
    10261, Brazil
    10287, Brazil
    10290, Brazil
    10291, Brazil
    10292, Brazil
    10299, Brazil