I have a compactRio system that I've inherited but don't know much about (I have no background with LabView). All I really need to do is poll the values from some of the probes attached to the the cRio every few minutes over the network interface.
Currently, I have a Python script that grabs hourly summary files of the collected data via FTP. However those files are only updated by the cRio on an hourly basis and I need data more frequently than that.
Do cRios commonly have SNMP/console/etc interfaces available over TCP/UDP that I could poll to get this data on a remote machine? Any suggestions for the optimal way to do this kind of thing?
There isn't a way to poll the cRIO without modifying the LabVIEW program.
If you do decide to have a go at LabVIEW programming, I suggest setting up a RESTful API. Since you are already accessing the cRIO over FTP, I am assuming you can access it via HTTP calls with python curl. Here is a quick tutorial on how to setup a RESTful API in LabVIEW 2013 or for LabVIEW 2012 and earlier