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Generating a compile-time constant integer from a literal string

I have a problem with non-portable code that works as intended on ARM RealView compiler, but VC++, GCC refuse to compile it and QAC++(a static analysis tool) issues a warning.

The problem

I have a system that needs to parse mnemonic identifiers in messages. The mnemonics are all three character 8-bit ASCII strings. To simplify and optimise parsing rather than performing string compare against the mnemonic string I pack the string into an 32-bit integer and perform an integer comparison.

Further in order to be able to use a switch/case rather than if-elseif chain, I have a macro that takes a literal string and generates the associated integer, which in ARM RealView is a compile time constant, but not in GCC x86/Linux or VC++/Windows:

// Note:  Do not change C cast to static_cast because compiler complains when used in switch/case
#define CONST_MNEMONIC( mn ) ((uint32_t)(((#mn)[2]<<16)|((#mn)[1]<<8)|((#mn)[0])))

This is then used on the ARM target code as follows:

switch( packed_mnemonic )
        break ;

        break ;

        break ;

        break ;

The case label of course must be a compile-time constant, but apparently this is not the case for all compilers. The code is non-portable, and either I guess undefined or implementation defined behaviour, or just plain wrong!

The questions

The obvious portable solutions have disadvantages of efficiency and maintainability, so I have two questions:

  1. Why is this code not portable - what makes the macro not compile-time constant in some compilers?

  2. Is there a portable solution to generating the desired compile time constant from the mnemonic string?


  • With C++11 you could use a constexpr function:

    constexpr int CONST_MNEMONIC(const char* s)
        return (static_cast<int>(s[2]) << 16) +
               (static_cast<int>(s[1]) <<  8) +