I have some text in a db and it is as follows:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tellus nisl, venenatis et pharetra ac, tempor sed sapien. Integer pellentesque blandit velit, in tempus urna semper sit amet. Duis mollis, libero ut consectetur interdum, massa tellus posuere nisi, eu aliquet elit lacus nec erat. Praesent a commodo quam.
[a href='http://somesite.example]some site[/a]
Suspendisse at nisi sit amet massa molestie gravida feugiat ac sem. Phasellus ac mauris ipsum, vel auctor odio
My question is: How can I display a Hyperlink
in a TextBlock
? I don't want to use a webBrowser control for this purpose.
I don't want to use this control either: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/33196/WPF-Html-supported-TextBlock
You can use Regex with a value converter in such situation.
Use this for your requirements (original idea from here):
private Regex regex =
new Regex(@"\[a\s+href='(?<link>[^']+)'\](?<text>.*?)\[/a\]",
This will match all links in your string containing links, and make 2 named groups for each match : link
and text
Now you can iterate through all the matches. Each match will give you a
foreach (Match match in regex.Matches(stringContainingLinks))
string link = match.Groups["link"].Value;
int link_start = match.Groups["link"].Index;
int link_end = match.Groups["link"].Index + link.Length;
string text = match.Groups["text"].Value;
int text_start = match.Groups["text"].Index;
int text_end = match.Groups["text"].Index + text.Length;
// do whatever you want with stringContainingLinks.
// In particular, remove whole `match` ie [a href='...']...[/a]
// and instead put HyperLink with `NavigateUri = link` and
// `Inlines.Add(text)`
// See the answer by Stanislav Kniazev for how to do this
Note : use this logic in your custom ConvertToHyperlinkedText
value converter.