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Com class not showing main interface

I have an interface and a class in the tyle ibrary that is produced the interface appears and so does the class but the class has no methods exposed on it. so I cannot create an Application object in say VBA in Microsoft Word and call the methods on it, does anyone know what is wrong?

[ComVisible(true), Guid("261D62BE-34A4-4E49-803E-CC3294613505")] public interface IApplication { [DispId(207)] [ComVisible(true)] IExporter Exporter { get; }

    object CreateEntity([In] kEntityType EntityType, [In] object aParent);

    string GenerateSpoolFileSpec();

[ComVisible(true), Guid("BA7F4588-0B51-476B-A885-8E1436EA0768")]
public class Application : IApplication
    protected Exporter FExporter;

    public Application()
        FExporter = new Exporter();
    public IExporter Exporter 
        get {return FExporter;} 

    public object CreateEntity([In] kEntityType EntityType, [In] object aParent)
        switch (EntityType)
            case TypeJob:
                return new Job(this, aParent);
            case kappEntityType.kappEntityTypePage:
                return new Page(this, aParent);
        return null;

    public string GenerateSpoolFileSpec()
        string path = string.Format(JOB_PARAMS_PATH_SKELETON, SpoolFolder, DateTime.Now.ToString(""));
        return path;



  • Got it, don’t let dotnet handle it for you on the interface put an interfacetype e.g.
    [ComVisible(true), Guid("261D62BE-34A4-4E49-803E-CC3294613505"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)]

    On the class use a classinterface e.g [ComVisible(true), Guid("BA7F4588-0B51-476B-A885-8E1436EA0768"), ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)]