I would like to configure a RexEx to match any folder (parent or child) of a file path of any open file. So if any folder in the file path contains the name of the open file, the color coding of the tab is set based on the RegEx match.
For example: websiteRoot/Content/MyName1/site.css = green colored tab when file opened
websiteRoot/Content/MyName2/site.css = orange colored tab when file opened
websiste/Shared/MasterPages/MyName1/main.master = green colored tab when file opened
websiste/Shared/MasterPages/MyName2/main.master = orange colored tab when file opened
I have tried:
but this is only looking at the file name I believe.
Also tried .*//MyName1//?$
and I thought this next one would do the trick if Regex for this extension directly matches on the open file path: ^.*\\MyName1
More promising regex with no success:
And if Power Productivity Tools works off a relative path for the open file:
You have to check "Use full document path for regular expression matching" under
Options -> Productivity Power Tools -> Advanced
After that, you can use the RegEx's like