Here's my component's code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:BorderContainer xmlns:fx=""
width="950" height="50" creationComplete="this_creationCompleteHandler(event)"
currentState="default" enabled="{currentBox!=null}">
<s:State name="default"/>
<s:State name="boxSelected" stateGroups="admin"/>
<s:State name="textBoxSelected" stateGroups="user"/>
<s:State name="imageBoxSelected" stateGroups="user"/>
<s:HorizontalLayout gap="10" horizontalAlign="left" paddingBottom="10" paddingLeft="10"
paddingRight="10" paddingTop="10" verticalAlign="middle"/>
public var model:Model;
private var _currentBox:Box = null;
public function set currentBox(box:Box):void
_currentBox = box;
if(model.userType == Model.USER_TYPE_ADMIN)
currentState = "boxSelected";
else if(box is TextBox)
currentState = "textBoxSelected";
else if(box is ImageBox)
currentState = "imageBoxSelected";
currentState = "default";
public function get currentBox():Box
return _currentBox;
protected function this_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
AppEventBus.instance.addListener(AppEvent.BOX_SELECTED, boxSelectedHandler);
AppEventBus.instance.addListener(AppEvent.PAGE_SELECTED, pageSelectedhandler);
protected function boxSelectedHandler(event:AppEvent):void
currentBox = as Box;
protected function pageSelectedhandler(event:AppEvent):void
currentBox = null;
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
<s:ToggleButton id="secureLockButton" includeIn="admin, user" width="20" height="20"
<s:DropDownList id="fontsList" includeIn="textBoxSelected" width="150" height="20"
selectedItem="@{(currentBox as TextBox).font}"
dataProvider="{(currentBox as TextBox).fonts}"/>
<s:DropDownList id="fontSizesList" includeIn="textBoxSelected" width="60" height="20"
selectedItem="@{(currentBox as TextBox).fontSize}"
dataProvider="{(currentBox as TextBox).fontSizes}"/>
<s:DropDownList id="boxTypes" includeIn="boxSelected" width="70" height="20"
dataProvider="{Box.BOX_TYPES}" selectedItem="{currentBox.boxType}"/>
<s:TextInput id="boxName" includeIn="boxSelected" width="70" height="20"
class has two inheritors: TextBox
and ImageBox
. All of these classes are [Bindable]
. In the other component I select Box
object and notify about this event the component above with EventBus
. I also use it to pass selected Box
object. Each TextBox
object has ArrayCollection
of available font sizes (fonts) and a selected one. I want bind my DropDownList
to these values in two ways. So DropDownList
always displays currently selected font size (font) of a box and if user select another value from the list it's set into current TextBox
When I select TextBox object for the first time everything works fine but when I select another one I get the error:
RangeError: Property fontSize value 0 is out of range at$/defaultErrorHandler()[C:\Vellum\branches\v2\2.0\dev\output\openSource\textLayout\src\flashx\textLayout\property\] at[C:\Vellum\branches\v2\2.0\dev\output\openSource\textLayout\src\flashx\textLayout\property\] at flashx.textLayout.formats::TextLayoutFormat/setStyleByProperty()[C:\Vellum\branches\v2\2.0\dev\output\openSource\textLayout\src\flashx\textLayout\formats\] at flashx.textLayout.formats::TextLayoutFormat/set fontSize()[C:\Vellum\branches\v2\2.0\dev\output\openSource\textLayout\src\flashx\textLayout\formats\] at spark.core::CSSTextLayoutFormat()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\core\] at spark.components::RichEditableText/updateStylesIfChanged()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\components\] at spark.components::RichEditableText/commitProperties()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\components\] at mx.core::UIComponent/validateProperties()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\] at mx.managers::LayoutManager/validateProperties()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\] at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiation()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\] at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiationCallback()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\]
Somehow selectedValue
property of DropDownList
becomes 0. What am I doing wrong?
It's not easy to see what is happenning "under the hood" without debugging this actual app. You could trace all setters yourself to see the order in which the bindibgs occurs.
Because what could be hapenning in my opinion is that the two bindings (selectedItem and dataProvider) - are not in sync as you wish to be. You never know which one will happen first, and more importantly, what happens inside that drpdownlist when you set one of them. Result is, that in one point the two-way-binding sets back selectedItem which is null at that moment and sets 0 to fontSize (because Number(null) is 0). And that 0 results in that error which occurs somewhere else.
Just try what is acually being set in fontSize setter (put a trace() in it) for start.
You know, since two way binding seems to be nice idea, I always ended back to "classic binding" with handling change event (setting back in this event handler). We always met some problem similar to this one when using two-way bind.