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git init error: unable to create directory for .git/HEAD [inside htdocs/]

when I try to create a repo inside htdocs folder of my Apache installation (using Zend Server CE) git gives me this error:

  $ git init  
  error: unable to create directory for e:/WORK/Zend/Apache2/htdocs/gittest2/.git/HEAD

It works well outside htdocs/, but i would like to have repos inside this dir in order to work on them at the same time.

I have been using git bash with administrator privilages and AFAIR there's nothing else that could be wrong regarding privilages on Win machines.

Any help will be appreciated!


  • Win7 x64

  • git installed from msysGit -> Git-


  • as VonC suggested it might be a bug in this release of msysGit


Use TortoiseGit to create a repo in the directory that's causing you problems. Good chance it will be successfull.

Sometimes Git GUI (from msysgit) will successfully create a 'troublesome' repo (worked on my last repo in this folder, not this one though).


  • It may be related to a bug with Git1.6.5.1 on 64 bit: this Japanese tweet mentions

    msysgit だと"error: unable to create directory for [project]/.git/HEAD."とか言ってリポジトリが作れなかった。

    Which Google ruffly translates as:

    it msysgit "error: unable to create directory for [project] / .git / HEAD." Nor could they pull the repository including me.
    After the devastating agony, version下Getara success lightly

    So a downgrade to could be the answer here.
    But I did not found any opened bug supporting that.

    As they say: なんじゃこりゃ。(WTF) ;)

    Check also (if you are using a TortoiseGit), to use the 64-bit version and not the 32-bits one.