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How to take element-wise logarithm of a matrix in sympy?

Working with a sympy Matrix or numpy array of sympy symbols, how does one take the element-wise logarithm?

For example, if I have:

m=sympy.Matrix(sympy.symbols('a b c d'))

Then np.abs(m) works fine, but np.log(m) does not work ("AttributeError: log").

Any solutions?


  • Use Matrix.applyfunc:

    In [6]: M = sympy.Matrix(sympy.symbols('a b c d'))
    In [7]: M.applyfunc(sympy.log)
    ⎢      ⎥
    ⎢      ⎥
    ⎢      ⎥

    You can't use np.log because that does a numeric log, but you want the symbolic version, i.e., sympy.log.