I a Rails app that handles Customer Tickets (worequests). The Tickets have Comments back and forth between the Customer and an Employee. The Comment can have an attachment. It's running on Heroku and PaperClip is storing the attachments in S3.
When a new Comment is created and email is sent to both the Customer and the Employee assigned to the Ticket.
I'm using CloudMailIn so that the Customer or Employee can respond to a Comment email with a new Comment.
So far that works fine!
But, I would like to allow the returning email to contain a single attachment.
This is the working incoming mails controller:
class IncomingMailsController < ApplicationController
skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token
def create
Rails.logger.info params
worequest = params[:envelope][:to].split('@')[0]
contents = params[:plain].split('---')[0]
message = Comment.new(
:worequest_id => worequest,
:user_id => User.find_by_email(params[:envelope][:from]).id,
:comments => contents,
:tenant_id => 1
if message.save
render :text => 'Success', :status => 200
render :text => message.errors.full_messages, :status => 422, :content_type => Mime::TEXT.to_s
The log results for Rails.logger.info params
includes this:
"envelope"=>{"to"=>"60@mail.myapp.com", "recipients"=>{"0"=>"60@mail.myapp.com"}, "from"=>"someguy@gmail.com", "helo_domain"=>"mail-wi0-f175.google.com", "remote_ip"=>"xxx.xx.xxx.xxx", "spf"=>{"result"=>"temp_error", "domain"=>"mydomain.com"}},
"attachments"=>{"0"=>#<ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile:0x00000007194040 @original_filename="five guys.jpeg", @content_type="image/jpeg", @headers="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"attachments[0]\"; filename=\"five guys.jpeg\"\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\r\n", @tempfile=#<File:/tmp/RackMultipart20140115-5-1n2rb24>>}, "action"=>"create", "controller"=>"incoming_mails"}
attachments is a hash and “0” is the name of the key. params[:attachments][‘0’]
I can access these fields fine:
Rails.logger.info params[:envelope][:from]
Rails.logger.info params[:envelope][:to]
Rails.logger.info params[:attachments]['0'].original_filename
Rails.logger.info params[:attachments]['0'].content_type
But, how do I set the PaperClip :attach
:attach => params[:attachments]['0'].tempfile ?
:attach => params[:attachments]['0'].read ?
This is my current attempt:
attach = Attachment.new(
:comment_id => 346,
:name => "Email Attachment",
:attach_file_name => params[:attachments]['0'].original_filename,
:attach_content_type => params[:attachments]['0'].content_type,
:attach => params[:attachments]['0'].path,
:tenant_id => 1
The :attach => params[:attachments]['0'].path,
is wrong.
Getting this:
Paperclip::AdapterRegistry::NoHandlerError (No handler found for "/tmp/RackMultipart20140115-13-tcpvtw"):
I don't know what to use ?????
:attach => params[:attachments]['0'].read,
:attach => params[:attachments]['0'].path.to_file,
:attach => params[:attachments]['0'].path.read,
Thanks for the help!
This worked:
:attach => params[:attachments]['0'],