In the neo4j quick queries pane, there are "relationship types" and "property keys" which make sense in the context of the Neo4j cypher query syntax.
In SPARQL, is there a way to distinguish between triples that are relationship and triples that are properties?
I suppose some example data could be like the following:
<actor12> <> <movie45> #relationship
<movie45> <> “Gone with the Wind" #property key/val
SPARQL is a query language targeting a specific data model, the one defined by RDF data. Usually, it is used to query either RDF or OWL data.
RDF defines properties without distiguishing them in object refering properties and data referencing properties. You could distinguish them indirectly by checking their range. If their range is an XSD property, then you could infer that it is a data referencing property.
OWL actually makes a formal distinguishment between the two kinds of properties. These are called, object properties and data properties. Therefore, if you use an OWL datamodel you could identify the type of the property directly by their OWL class. The ones you call "relationship types" are actually "object properties" and the ones you call "property keys" are "data properties" in OWL terminology. They are respectively identified as instances of owl:ObjectProperty and owl:DatatypeProperty class.
Hope I helped!