I have a collection:
public class Message {
ObjectId id;
String group;
I need to count number of messages per each group. Is it possible to avoid iterating through entire collection?
Here in this working example, MessageEntry stands for Message and linf stands for group:
DBCollection myColl = ds.getCollection(MessageEntry.class);
DBObject key = new BasicDBObject("linf",true);
DBObject initial = new BasicDBObject("cnt",true);
String reduce = "function(item,prev){prev.cnt+=1;}";
DBObject group = myColl.group(key, null, initial, reduce);
HashMap<String,Long> ret = new HashMap();
for(String k:group.keySet()){
BasicDBObject l = (BasicDBObject) group.get(k);
DBRef dbRef = (DBRef) l.get("linf");
Linf linf = ds.get(Linf.class,dbRef.getId() );
Double cnt = (Double) l.get("cnt");
return ret;