I take a input from the user and its a string with a certain substring which repeats itself all through the string. I need to output the substring or its length AKA period.
S1 = AAAA // substring is A
S2 = ABAB // Substring is AB
S3 = ABCAB // Substring is ABC
S4 = EFIEFI // Substring is EFI
I could start with a Single char and check if it is same as its next character if it is not, I could do it with two characters then with three and so on. This would be a O(N^2) algo. I was wondering if there is a more elegant solution to this.
You can do this in linear time and constant additional space by inductively computing the period of each prefix of the string. I can't recall the details (there are several things to get right), but you can find them in Section 13.6 of "Text algorithms" by Crochemore and Rytter under function Per(x)