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Facebook canvas app automatic login once authorized

I'm using Rails 3.2 with the omniauth-facebook and koala gems to interact with facebook. Everything works smoothly as a standalone web page, but I have an issue with canvas.

When a user has already authorized the application and then visits or refreshes the canvas page (, they should be logged into my app automatically if they're logged into facebook. This is not happening, and they have to click the login button again.

I don't receive request.env['facebook.params'] or request.env['facebook.signed_request'] anywhere.

Where can I find the facebook.params or facebook.signed_request information, or how can I get info on which user is viewing the canvas app?


  • The solution was to include the JS SDK and then get the access_token with

    @oauth =["FACEBOOK_APP_ID"], ENV["FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET"], canvas_path)

    As per

    I included Facebook's javascript SDK in a coffeescript file:

    jQuery ->
      $('body').prepend('<div id="fb-root"></div>')
        url: "#{window.location.protocol}//"
        dataType: 'script'
        cache: true
    window.fbAsyncInit = ->
      FB.init(appId: '<%= ENV["FACEBOOK_APP_ID"] %>', cookie: true)
      $('#fb-login').click (e) ->
        FB.login (response) ->
          window.location = '/auth/facebook/callback' if response.authResponse
        , scope: "email, publish_actions"
      $('#sign_out').click (e) ->
        FB.getLoginStatus (response) ->
          FB.logout() if response.authResponse