So I am building a simple form that is using the bootstrap. Bootstrap wants to reference as its core jQuery. When I reference that my bootstrap works but not my masking. It baulks at
$(".phone").mask is not a function
If i change the jQuery reference to it works just fine. I need them both to run on the same library. Any thoughts on what is hanging up the filter? It works for the validation just not the masking. Thanks!
Test Page:
All rights. See in js/jquery.maskedinput.js
var pasteEventName = ($.browser.msie ? 'paste' : 'input') + ".mask";
// TypeError: $.browser is undefined
See here jQuery Core 1.9 Upgrade Guide. Since 1.9
is removed. In first case you loading 1.10
- it doesnt work. But in second 1.5
- its works. Read about migration and compatibility.