I don't want to use the output that Gravity Forms has and would like to create my own form, but still use its back-end for entries, the field creations, etc..
I can do everything so far but the entry submission. I've looked and looked, without any luck. Is there a way to create an entry in Gravity Forms? Some class function?
So the only way to get this done is to create a placeholder page, embed the form, and then use JavaScript to create an iframe and submit the form within.
Some sample code:
app.controller 'SubmitForm', ['$scope', '$timeout', '$filter', ($scope, $timeout, $filter) ->
$scope.data = {}
$scope.loading = $scope.thanks = false
$scope.submit = ->
$scope.loading = true
$frame = $('<iframe/>', {
id: '#dynamicGF'
src: "/form-placeholder-page/?#{$filter('obj2url')($scope.data)}"
load: ->
$frame.contents().find('form [type=submit]:first').click()
$timeout ->
$scope.$apply ->
$scope.loading = false
$scope.thanks = true
, 175
width: 0
height: 0
visibility: 'hidden'
$frame.appendTo $('body')