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(simple?) error with findpeaks and if loop

I'm trying to find the local maxima of a data set using the findpeaks() function and so far I have this code:

[pks, locs] = findpeaks(signal);
max_times = zeros(size(locs));

if n = 1:size(locs);
max_times(n) = (times(locs(n)));

What am I trying to do? Well I have a set of signal data and the corresponding times. I want to get the local maxima values and output two vectors; the maxima signal values and the times that they occured.

How am I doing it? I'm using the findpeaks function to find the peaks (pks) and location (locs) of the maxima. I'm then setting up a blank array the same length as the locs vector and then using an if loop to fill up the empty max_times(n) vector with the times that the maxima occur

The problem? I keep getting this errorExpression or statement is incomplete or incorrect. about my if loop. I don't understand what this means/ how do I solve this problem/ edit my code to get it to do what I want?

Thanks for any help!


  • What you are thinking is totally wrong.

    If is not a loop its a conditional statement
    what you want here is a for loop

    for n = 1:size(locs)
        % your code

    also times take two parameter and you should figure it out yourself what it should be