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HTML Kickstart light box class on <a>

I am having a bit of a problem with getting a link to show in a lightbox.

I'm using HTML Kickstart which uses fancybox (I think). When I click on a button the below function is called. It does change the innerHTML but for some reason the id='inline' is ignored.

I copied and pasted the HTML code <a id='inline' href=''>New Link</a> to my webpage and it works as expected. When I click the button the the link opens in a lightbox.

Anyone know why the id is being ignored when I do this via javascript?



function loadGoGo() 
    var link = document.getElementById("GoGo");
    link.innerHTML = "<table class='sortable'>" +
                    "<tr>" +
                        "<td>" +
                            "<a id='inline' href='reply.html'>Boo Link</a>" +
                        "</td>" +
                    "</tr>" +


<Button onClick="loadGoGo()" >Load Go Go Link</Button>
<div id="GoGo">


        overlayOpacity: 0.2,
        overlayColor: '#000'

This is the actual code I'm using, the css is whatever fancybox uses. I would have thought this would work with an id selector.


  • Yeah I don't know what the problem is but I found a work around.

    I simply call a javascript function when the link is clicked, which in turn calls some jQuery.

    Javascript function to load innerHTML

    function loadGoGo() 
        var link = document.getElementById("GoGo");
        link.innerHTML = "<table class='sortable'>" +
                        "<tr>" +
                            "<td>" +
                                "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onClick='javascript:showPopup();'>Boo Link</a>" +
                            "</td>" +
                        "</tr>" +


    <Button onClick="loadGoGo()" >Load Go Go Link</Button>
    <div id="GoGo">

    Extra Javascript function to open anchor in lightbox

    function showPopup()
            href            : 'reply.html',
            overlayOpacity  : 0.2,
            overlayColor    : '#000'