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Grunt Uglify - Ignore Specific Files/Folders

When running uglify, I need to make it ignore certain files and folders, but still scan the entire folder structure recursively.

I have a concat task that concats together all of my plugins and makes them a single file. I need to make sure uglify ignores these files and doesn't operate on them because I don't want them in the destination directory since concat already handled that for me.

I tried adding the files and folders to my src array with preceding !'s, but it still operates on them.

Below is what I am trying to use, but it's not working:

uglify: {
    options: {
        banner: '/*! <%="mm-dd-yyyy h:MM:ss TT") %> */\n'
    files: {
        src: [
        dest: 'app/scripts',
        cwd: 'sources/scripts',
        ext: ".js",
        flatten: false,
        expand: true


  • Ilan Frumer suggestion is probably a good one.

    Now, about your specific question, your patterns certainly need to be adapted as follow:



    will ignore any file in a folder named "ie" anywhere in your subdirectories (which is likely what you want, is this correct?)

    Same goes for:


    that will ignore a file named iecompat.js anywhere in folders / subfolders.

    You should start here to better understand file selection mechanisms in grunt.