I use numpy and mpmath in my Python programm. I use numpy, because it allows an easy access to many linear algebra operations. But because numpy's solver for linear equations is not that exact, i use mpmath for more precision operations. After i compute the solution of a System:
solution = mpmath.lu_solve(A,b)
i want the solution as an array. So i use
array = np.zeros(m)
and then do a loop for setting the values:
for i in range(m):
array[i] = solution[i]
for i in range(m):
but with both ways i get again numerical instabilities like:
solution[0] = 12.375
array[0] = 12.37500000000000177636
Is there a way to avoid these errors?
ndarrays have homogeneous type. When you make array
, the default dtype
will be some type of float, which doesn't have as much precision as you want:
>>> array = np.zeros(3)
>>> array
array([ 0., 0., 0.])
>>> array.dtype
You can get around this by using dtype=object
>>> mp.mp.prec = 65
>>> mp.mpf("12.37500000000000177636")
>>> array = np.zeros(3, dtype=object)
>>> array[0] = 12.375
>>> array[1] = mp.mpf("12.37500000000000177636")
>>> array
array([12.375, mpf('12.37500000000000177636'), 0], dtype=object)
but note that there's a significant performance hit when you do this.