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How to sort lines multiple times?

I have to figure out the physical disk number that belongs to each device in an OmniOS (Solaris 10) storage array. I can get the list of devices by

cfgadm -al | grep disk-path | cut -c 6-21 | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'

where the output could look like


So my idea is to write a script where I dd each device and watch the leds, and then enter the number of the led that flashed. As there are leds on both sides of the storage array, I need to be able to run the script multiple times, and for each time I enter a disk location, I shouldn't have to enter it again.

My current idea is to loop over the list of device names I get from the above command and then do something like this

system("dd if=/dev/dsk/c1t${device}d0p0 of=/dev/null bs=1k count=100");
print "which led flashed: ";
my $disk = <STDIN>;
chomp $disk;
system("echo $disk $device >> disk.sorted");

which would produce lines like these

21 5000C5005CF65F14
09 5000C5004F30CC82

where I have seen led 21 flash in the first case and seen led 9 in the second case. There are 70 disks.

My problem

I can not come up with a good idea how I can write a script which can be run multiple times, and for each time it is run it will not destroy my previous values I have entered.

Any ideas how to do this?

I am prototyping it on Linux.


  • Script 1

    rm -f /tmp/a/*
    rm -f /tmp/b/*
    mkdir -p /tmp/a
    mkdir -p /tmp/b
    for f in $(cfgadm -al | grep disk-path | cut -c 6-21 | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'); do touch /tmp/a/$f; done

    Script 2

    for f in /tmp/a/*; do
        dd if=/dev/dsk/$controller${f##*/}d0p0 of=/dev/null bs=1k count=100
        echo "Which led flashed? Press RET to skip to next"
        read n
        if ! [ -z $n ]; then echo $controller${f##*/} > /tmp/b/$n && rm -f $f; fi
    cat /tmp/b/*

    Script 3

    for f in /tmp/b/*; do
        echo $f
        dd if=/dev/dsk/$(cat $f)d0p0 of=/dev/null bs=1k count=100