string path = "LDAP://,DC=company,DC=ltm,DC=dom";
DirectoryEntry dir = new DirectoryEntry(path, admin, pass, AuthenticationTypes.ServerBind);
object value = dir.Properties["description"].Value;
dir.Properties["description"].Value = "test";
The code generates a COMException : "Invalid DN syntax" at dir.Properties["description"].Value
If I don't specify any the username and password and replace the DirectoryEntry initialization with:
DirectoryEntry dir = new DirectoryEntry(path);
dir.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationTypes.ServerBind;
Then I get UnauthorizedAccessException at CommitChanges.
Any ideas on what might be wrong are greatly appreciated.
Have you tried it without specifying AuthenticationTypes
Just like:
DirectoryEntry dir = new DirectoryEntry(path, admin, pass);