I followed all the steps for using the crouton library with Eclipse, but I still have not been able to use it.
Here are the steps I followed:
After all these steps when I try to create a crouton. For example:
Eclipse says Crouton cannot be resolved to a variable. When I to try import it, I can't find it.
These are the same steps followed in all my research, here's what I found, a post from Grokking android and a YouTube video
This is not the first time I am using a library. I have been using the android appcompat library for a while now with out any problems. And the steps i used in setting it up are pretty much the same with is, except that in the appcompat library after all the above steps, I had to copy the jar file and put it in the lib. folder of the project that needs it. I'm I missing anything?
Thank you for your help.
Crouton is being built using gradle. This means that the source directories are different to the default Eclipse source paths.
I discourage building without a proper build system. Nonetheless, using version 1.8.2 of Crouton within Eclipse is possible.
To do so, simply download the jar from maven central and put it in your libs folder.
Since the current version of Crouton does not rely on resources, adding it as a library is not necessary.