I have a list of long values:
300210, 300211, 310210, 310211, ...
I'm looking for the best way to check whether a number is present in a collection. The collection is non mutable and this check can possibly happen hundreds of time per second (it's part of a physics engine collision presolving).
If using an NSArray, I'm to use NSNumbers. These are objects - Is the containsObject: method using hashcodes? Or does it consistently use a value comparison (rather than pointer address)?
How about NSSet? I know it has a member: method to use isEqual: but no practical experience with it.
thanks for your help find the best way to address this.
I would suggest turn on objective-C++ and use std::set. It's much faster then NSSet
You will need:
in header:
#include <set>
using namespace std;
in code:
set<int> numberCollection;