Lately I implemented this behavior for yii:
It's main purpose is to allow methods chaining for methods, that are getters. Something in such style could be implemented in any other language/framework. It's more like syntactic sugar for fanats of method chaining.
From readme:
For example owner has method gimmeAll, that returns array that we want to transform by another owner`s method, let it be toSomething. In old style we call:
$bla = Something::create()->toSomething(Something::create()->one()->two()->three()->gimmeAll());
But with this behavior we can do this in more elegant way:
$bla = Something::create()->one()->two()->three()->pipe('gimmeAll')->unpipe('toSomething', '{r}');
If unpiped method has single parameter, then we can omit '{r}' parameter and call it like:
$bla = Something::create()->one()->two()->three()->pipe('gimmeAll')->unpipe('toSomething');
Can it be really useful? I implemented this stuff in late night and still not sure.
Could it be a "bicycle"? May be such stuff exists in another lang/framework?
Based on the results and answers from thread at yii forum
No, it's not usefult and even superfluous. Some quotes from there:
I think saving results in a variable and passing it to the other method is much cleaner, readable, better supported by IDE's and just more sane.
class Something
public function gimmeAllToSomething()
return $this->toSomething($this->gimmeAll());
$bla = Something::create()->one()->two()->tree()->gimmeAllToSomething();
It's a bit more code to type and test, but best programming practices aren't about typing less.
Currently in real scenario I also used gimmeAllToSomething() approach. So we can think about it as a door where you do not need to go.