I need to save multiple object at once, and rollback all if one object fails to save. For example :
class Transaction {
Item item;
class Item {
date lastTransaction;
If I create new Transaction, I need to change lastTransaction value and save the item.
If I failed to save the item, I need to rollback the Transaction (vice versa).
Any ideas?
Yuck. Don't throw exceptions to roll back transactions. You're incurring a pretty high cost to take advantage of a side effect where the transaction manager, assuming that a runtime exception means that you're not in control, automatically rolls back the transaction for you to keep you from doing more damage. It's a bit like being lonely and hitting yourself in the head repeatedly with a hammer so some EMTs and perhaps a nurse or a doctor will spend some time with you.
It's pretty easy to roll back a transaction, but unfortunately Grails doesn't expose any of this:
import org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAspectSupport
class FooService {
def someMethod(...) {
boolean somethingBadHappened = ...
if (somethingBadHappened) {
// roll back
// ok, proceed
And later you can check if the current transaction was rolled back with
Note that this won't work in a controller since the transaction will have ended by that point.