I am developing an android app with a ListView/ArrayAdapter combo with the items being dynamically added when it receives a broadcast from another service.
Here is the initial setup:
postAdapter = new PostAdapter(this.getActivity(), R.layout.item, posts);
ListView list = (ListView) V.findViewById(R.id.listView1);
There are some elements inside the list initially (stored inside posts).
The initial render of the listView from the adapter works perfectly.
However, when a broadcast is received from another service problem occurs.
private BroadcastReceiver mMessageReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
String action = intent.getAction();
String title= intent.getStringExtra("title");
String content= intent.getStringExtra("content");
String senderDesc= intent.getStringExtra("senderDesc");
String receiverDesc= intent.getStringExtra("receiverDesc");
Post newPost = new Post(title, content, senderDesc, receiverDesc);
At first, when the first 2 element is added, the listView still looks fine.
Until the listView is added to about 7 elements, then the next element is no longer rendered as the content of the element in question but the content of a previous element.
For example(pseudo for simplicity):
Below is the initial list: 1 2 3
And when the 4th, and 5th post is added, then the listView looks like: 1 2 3 4 5 as expected,
However, when the 6th and sometimes 7th item is added, then it will look like this 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 ...
Below is my custom PostAdapter function:
public class PostAdapter extends ArrayAdapter { int resource;
public PostAdapter(Context context, int resource, List<Post> posts) {
super(context, resource, posts);
this.resource = resource;
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
// Setting up postView
RelativeLayout postView;
Post post = getItem(position);
String titleString = post.getTitle();
String contentString = post.getContent();
String senderDescString = post.getSenderDesc();
String receiverDescString = post.getReceiverDesc();
if(convertView == null) {
postView = new RelativeLayout(getContext());
String inflater = Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE;
LayoutInflater li;
li = (LayoutInflater)getContext().getSystemService(inflater);
li.inflate(resource, postView, true);
TextView contentView = (TextView) postView.findViewById(R.id.postContent);
} else {
postView = (RelativeLayout) convertView;
// Check if the post has been previously populated;
return postView;
I have spend over 10 hours on this and I don't know what is causing the problem.
If expert can point it out to me I really appreciate.
Thank you, Dennis
I think View-reused make this happen, put the following method below getView() method comment, it will works. BTW, you should use ViewHolder pattern in AdapterView if you have a lot of items to display
TextView contentView = (TextView) postView.findViewById(R.id.postContent);