How do I pass the jsonObj from the javascript code in getJson to the java code handleJsonResponse. If my syntax is correct, what do I do with a JavaScriptObject?
I know that the jsonObj contains valid data because alert(jsonObj.ResultSet.totalResultsAvailable) returns a large number :) --- but some how it's not getting passed correctly back into Java.
EDIT: I solved it... by passing in jsonObj.ResultSet.Result to the java function and working on it using a JSONArray.
public native static void getJson(int requestId, String url, MyClass handler) /*-{
var callback = "callback" + requestId;
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.setAttribute("src", url+callback);
script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
window[callback] = function(jsonObj) { // jsonObj DOES contain data
[email protected]::handleJsonResponse(Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;)(jsonObj);
window[callback + "done"] = true;
public void handleJsonResponse(JavaScriptObject jso) { // How to utilize JSO
if (jso == null) { // Now the code gets past here
Window.alert("Couldn't retrieve JSON");
Window.alert(jso.toSource()); // Alerts 'null'
JSONArray array = new JSONArray(jso);
Not exactly sure how to fix this problem that I had, but I found a workaround. The javascript jsonObj is is multidimensional, and I didn't know how to manipulate the types in the java function. So instead, I passed jsonObj.ResultSet.Result to my function handler, and from there I was able to use get("string") on the JSONArray.