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GROUP BY with concatenated values in select list

I'm having a problem getting the following SELECT to run:

SET @final = '<CoutUnitaire>'

    @final = COALESCE(@final +  '', ',') + 
    '<row><Intervention>' + Code_Type_Mode + ' ' + Code_Complement + ' ' + Code_Phytocide + '</Intervention>' + 
    '<cout_moyen>' + CAST(CAST(AVG(Travail.cout_par_ha) AS DECIMAL(10,2)) AS VARCHAR) + '</cout_moyen>' +
FROM Travail 
    INNER JOIN Budget ON Travail.ID_Budget = Budget.ID_Budget 
    INNER JOIN Territoire ON Budget.ID_Territoire = Territoire.ID_Territoire 
    INNER JOIN Complement ON Travail.ID_Complement = Complement.ID_Complement 
    INNER JOIN Phytocide ON Travail.ID_Phytocide = Phytocide.ID_Phytocide 
    INNER JOIN Type_Mode ON Travail.ID_Type_Mode = Type_Mode.ID_Type_Mode 
    INNER JOIN #Years ON Budget.Annee_Budgetaire = #Years.intYear
WHERE dbo.Budget.ID_Territoire IN (SELECT intTerritoryID FROM #Territories) AND (@circref = 0 OR circref = @circref)
GROUP BY Code_Type_Mode + ' ' + Code_Complement + ' ' + Code_Phytocide
ORDER BY Code_Type_Mode + ' ' + Code_Complement + ' ' + Code_Phytocide

SET @final = @final + '</CoutUnitaire>'

It returns:

Column 'Type_Mode.Code_Type_Mode' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

Column 'Complement.Code_Complement' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

Column 'Phytocide.Code_Phytocide' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.


Running SQL Server 2000, so I don't have the option of populating this variable using FOR XML. Need to build it manually.

How do I go about getting these rows in the right order, while still concatenating them into a string?


  • When I play with this, I find that you can make it work as written by putting the whole select string in the Group By.
    I'm not sure that's the best way to go, but a simplified case below shows it.

    I wonder if you might get better performance - and maintenance - by separating building that xml output with COALESCE from the rest of it.

    Could you do your joins and pull the Avg() and 3 string fields into a temp table, and then do the COALESCE trick to build your output string?

    .... showing a direct fix of this case

    drop table a
    drop table b
    drop table c
    create table a (
        id int
        ,dataKey int
    create table b (
        dataKey int
        ,dataVal varchar(100)
    create table c (
        dataKey int
        ,dataVal varchar(100)
    insert into a
    (id, dataKey)
    (1, 1)
    insert into a
    (id, dataKey)
    (2, 2)
    insert into b
    (dataKey, dataVal)
    (1, 'asdf')
    insert into c
    (dataKey, dataVal)
    (1, 'jkl;')
    declare @final varchar(1000);
    set @final = 'start....';
        @final = 
            coalesce(@final + ',', ',')
            + ' ' 
            + c.dataval
            inner join b on a.dataKey = b.dataKey
            inner join c on a.dataKey = c.dataKey
    group by
            coalesce(@final + ',', ',')
            + ' ' 
            + c.dataval
    print @final