I am working on an encryption class, mostly as an academic exercise and I have been experimenting to get the highest possible speed. I've found something strange in that XOR'ing a byte array has a very low cost, but using arraycopy on a byte array of the same size is more expensive. I figured it must be some JIT voodoo and was wondering if anyone might explain it.
Relevant Code:
private byte[] cryptBlock(){
byte[] iv = Arrays.copyOf(IV, IV.length);
iv[blocNo % BLOCKSIZE] += blockNo + 1;
iv = Misc.cleanXOR(key, iv); //A
iv = Arrays.copyOf(iv, BLOCKSIZE + iv.length); //B
System.arraycopy(key, 0, iv, BLOCKSIZE, BLOCKSIZE); //C
return Misc.cleanXOR(buffer, mD.digest(iv));
public static byte[] cleanXOR(byte[] a, byte[] b){
byte[] c = new byte[a.length];
int i=0;
for (byte d : a)
c[i] = (byte) (d ^ b[i++]);
return c;
cryptBlock is called once every 32 bytes, I'm encrypting a 1MB byte array a couple times and averaging the time to get speed.
Commenting out line A, but not line B or C runs in the same amount of time (20MB/s) it takes as commenting out none of the lines, despite doing an XOR on about 3125000 blocks of 32 bytes.
Commenting out lines B and C but not A runs at 35MB/s
Commenting out all the lines(A, B and C) runs at 37MB/s
Can anyone explain this?
EDIT: I wrote a little arraycopy implementation to compare speeds, it runs about as fast in my code as System.arraycopy.
public static void arraycopy(byte[] source, int srcPos, byte[] dest, int destPos, int length){
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){
dest[i + destPos] = source[i + srcPos];
I am a complete idiot with my brain turned off. The speed difference has nothing to do with XOR vs arraycopy, and everything to do with the size of the array that goes into the messageDigest at the end of the method. Obviously hashing a BLOCKSIZE array will be faster than a 2*BLOCKSIZE array.