Is there an ExtUtils::*
or Module::Build
(or other) analog to Ruby's mkmf.have_struct_member
I'd like to do something like (in the manner of a hints/ file):
if struct_has_member("msghdr", "msg_accrights") {
$self->{CCFLAGS} = join(' ', $self->{CCFLAGS}, "-DTRY_ACCRIGHTS_NOT_CMSG");
doesn't track the specific information I'm looking for, and ExtUtils::FindFunctions
didn't seem quite appropriate here...
I know this is not built into either MakeMaker or Module::Build. There might be a thing on CPAN to do it, but the usual way is to use ExtUtils::CBuilder to compile up a little test program and see if it runs.
use ExtUtils::CBuilder;
open my $fh, ">", "try.c" or die $!;
print $fh <<'END';
#include <time.h>
int main(void) {
struct tm *test;
long foo = test->tm_gmtoff;
return 0;
close $fh;
$has{"tm.tm_gmtoff"} = 1 if
eval { ExtUtils::CBuilder->new->compile(source => "try.c"); 1 };
Probably want to do that in a temp file and clean up after it, etc...