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What is the best way to render a WSQ image in a QLabel

I am trying to render a WSQ image in a QLabel in PyQt5. The WSQ image is in an xml file which is located in a zip file. Here is my approach:

import zipfile
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
import base64.b64decode as b64decode
from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtWidgets
    with zipfile.ZipFile(zfilename) as src_zip:
        root = ET.fromstring(
except zipfile.BadZipFile as e:
    root = None
finger_prints = []
if root:
    for data in root.findall('.//Demographics/FingerData'):
finger_data = finger_prints.pop()
pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap()
pixmap.loadFromData(finger_data, 'WSQ') # freezes

The second but last line causes the program to freeze/hang but if I do:

with file('/tmp/finger_print.wsq', 'wb') as f:

I am able to view the image in a WSQ viewer. I understand Qt has plugins for different image formats, Is there an image plugin I am missing?

Thanks in advance for your help.



  • The image formats Qt supports by default are:

     Format  Description                            Qt's support
     BMP     Windows Bitmap                         Read/write
     GIF     Graphic Interchange Format (optional)  Read
     JPG     Joint Photographic Experts Group       Read/write
     JPEG    Joint Photographic Experts Group       Read/write
     PNG     Portable Network Graphics              Read/write
     PBM     Portable Bitmap                        Read
     PGM     Portable Graymap                       Read
     PPM     Portable Pixmap                        Read/write
     XBM     X11 Bitmap                             Read/write
     XPM     X11 Pixmap                             Read/write

    So you'll either have to write a custom Qt image plugin, or somehow convert the image data to one of the formats Qt understands.