I have a div whose text updates randomly on page refresh, but what I need is for the text to cycle through in the order its listed instead of at random each time the page reloads.
var myFact = new Array();
myFact[0] = "I have a dog";
myFact[1] = "My favorite sport is hockey";
myFact[2] = "I like chocolate";
myFact[3] = "Orange is my favorite color";
var myRandom = Math.floor(Math.random()*myFact.length);
document.getElementById('myFact').innerHTML= myFact[myRandom];
(since this is seemingly such an easy request and I fear I'll be eaten alive on here I will follow up with: yes, I have googled it but cannot find an answer that makes sense to my non-js-proficient brain. there is lots of how to cycle through on click OR update randomly on page refresh… but not how to cycle through on page refresh)
You can accomplish this using localStorage. which is session based. (meaning it wont go away till the browser is closed).
you can use the localStorage object as a bucket to put vars you want to retain after refresh.
<div id="myFact"></div>
if (typeof(Storage) !== undefined) {
var myFact = new Array();
myFact[0] = "I have a dog";
myFact[1] = "My favorite sport is hockey";
myFact[2] = "I like chocolate";
myFact[3] = "Orange is my favorite color";
//var myRandom = Math.floor(Math.random()*myFact.length);
if (!localStorage.factIndex) {
localStorage.factIndex = 0;
} else {
localStorage.factIndex = (localStorage.factIndex >= (myFact.length-1)) ? 0: parseInt(localStorage.factIndex)+1;
document.getElementById('myFact').innerHTML = myFact[localStorage.factIndex];
} else {
//LocalStorage not supported with this browser