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ora-01086 : save point was not established or invalid

Ora-01086 : save point was not established or invalid. KRD_UPD_BORCTAHSILATYAP_SP this SP throws errors . When I test this loop below, I get the error: ora-01086

Normally it works without calling an external sp, I test it with an inline error and I rolledback to the save point. What am I missing ?

FOR rec IN (...records.....
      SAVEPOINT odemeIslemiBaslangic;

         CASE rec.prosedur_ad
            WHEN 'KRD' THEN

               KRD_UPD_BORCTAHSILATYAP_SP(rec.musterino, rec.urundegeri, rec.taksitno, v_MuhasebeReferans, v_IslemReferans, v_Tarih);
               IF v_MuhasebeReferans IS NOT NULL THEN
                  v_SonucKd  := 10;
                  v_Aciklama := 'Başarılı işlem';
                  v_SonucKd  := 9;
                  v_Aciklama := 'Borç bulunamadı';
               END IF;

         END CASE;
         cll_ins_tahsilatislem_sp(p_odemeno        => rec.odemeno,
                                  p_islemtarihi    => v_Tarih,
                                  p_musterino      => rec.musterino,
                                  p_urundeger      => rec.urundegeri,
                                  p_islemref       => v_IslemReferans,
                                  p_muhasebesubekd => rec.sube_kd,
                                  p_muhaseberef    => v_MuhasebeReferans,
                                  p_aciklama       => v_Aciklama,
                                  p_sonuc          => v_SonucKd,
                                  p_kayityapan     => v_KayitYapan,
                                  p_kayittrxkod    => v_KayitTrxKod);
         UPDATE cll_gecikmisbankaalacak u
            SET u.sonuc_kd = v_SonucKd
          WHERE u.odemeno = rec.odemeno
            AND u.kayit_drm = 'A';
            ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT odemeIslemiBaslangic;
            v_SonucKd  := 1;
            v_Aciklama := 'İşlem Hata: ' || substr(SQLERRM, 1, 400);
            cll_ins_tahsilatislem_sp(p_odemeno        => rec.odemeno,
                                     p_islemtarihi    => v_Tarih,
                                     p_musterino      => rec.musterino,
                                     p_urundeger      => rec.urundegeri,
                                     p_islemref       => v_IslemReferans,
                                     p_muhasebesubekd => rec.sube_kd,
                                     p_muhaseberef    => v_MuhasebeReferans,
                                     p_aciklama       => v_Aciklama,
                                     p_sonuc          => v_SonucKd,
                                     p_kayityapan     => v_KayitYapan,
                                     p_kayittrxkod    => v_KayitTrxKod);
            UPDATE cll_gecikmisbankaalacak u
               SET u.sonuc_kd = v_SonucKd
             WHERE u.odemeno = rec.odemeno
               AND u.kayit_drm = 'A';



  • Your comment suggests that the procedure you are calling, KRD_UPD_BORCTAHSILATYAP_SP, is rolling back the whole transaction, i.e. issuing a simple ROLLBACK.

    From the documentation for ROLLBACK:

    Using ROLLBACK without the TO SAVEPOINT clause performs the following operations:

    • Ends the transaction
    • Undoes all changes in the current transaction
    • Erases all savepoints in the transaction
    • Releases any transaction locks

    The savepoint you established in your calling block is therefore being erased, so you can no longer roll back to that.