I need an advice on DDD (Domain Driven Design) and implementation of Repository pattern and encapsulation. To my understanding is that Repository pattern enables me to put all the database access logic in one place and abstract that logic from other parts of application. On the other side there is orm (Nhibernate, EntityFramework...) with its support for Linq and IQueryable. My toughts are: 1. If I am using repository then I should not use IQueryable as my return type bust instead use IEnumerable. Because if I use IQueryable then this would allow leaking database code to other application layers (IE would allow other devs to do queries in mvc controller where they don't belong). But every controls use IQueryable to access data and does this because is easier. If I use IQueryable as return type of my repository methods then: - I allow other developers to do database querying in other layers of application (and I think this should not be possible) - It will leak my domain entities (domain model) to other layers of applications (ie. User interface) but should not, instead DTO should be used.
My question is is IQueryable a good practice in DDD?
I would say it's not a good practice. Ideally you should have some sort of application layer on top of your domain. If you expose your domain objects directly or through Query object, someone might actually modify it outside of your control.
Personally i like to think of IQueryable as an implementation detail, ideally my domain would not depend on it (in case i want to switch my storage technology it could be a problem). Most often i'll end up using IQueryable internally inside my repositories implementation. What i usually end up with is implementing generic repository that has a FindBySpecification method, and then have specialized repositories for every Aggregate root that inherits from it. For example:
public interface IRepository<TEntity>
TEntity Get(Guid ID);
void Add(TEntity entity);
void Remove(TEntity entity);
void Detach(TEntity entity);
IEnumerable<TEntity> WithSpecification(ISpecification<TEntity> specification);
public interface IOrdersRepository : IRepository<Order>
IEnumerable<Order> GetCompletedOrdersForAllPreferedCustomers(DateTime orderCompletedAfter);
Order GetOrderBySomeOtherComplicatedMeans();
Another aproach is to design your application to follow the CQRS principle. Then you can have your DomainModel doing it's magic on the command side, and create a readonly model of your data for your client on the query side. This setup can become really elaborate depending on your requirements, but it can be as simple as two ORM models mapped to the same database (the one on the command side is mapping your domain entities, the one on the query sides maps to simple DTOs ).