I create a class SharedClass.vb in my project . And i want to import that SharedClass.vb on my aspx page and want to use that class on my aspx file. How can i do that . i Try this but not success
<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="ipmseattle.Web._default5" Explicit="false" %>
<%@ Import Namespace = "MySql.Data.MySqlClient" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="SharedClass" %>
And this is the function that i created
Public Class SharedClass
Public Shared Function encode(ByVal x)
x = x & " "
encode = Replace(x, "'", "''")
encode = Replace(encode, ";", "")
encode = Replace(encode, "--", "")
encode = Replace(encode, "({", "")
encode = Replace(encode, "/*", "")
encode = Trim(encode)
End Function
End Class
i am using inline coding . Where the code part is on my .aspx file . Here i am using that class
if request("date") <> "" then
if isdate(request("date")) then
SQLADDON = "event_start_date >= '" & encode(Request("date")) & "' and event_start_date < '" & encode(formatmysqldate(DateAdd("d", 1, Request("date")))) & "' and event_title like '%Apple%' "
You are specifiying a class name in your impor sentence, and it expects a namespace. Replace
<%@ Import Namespace="SharedClass" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="SharedClassNamespace" %>